How to create your listing in our Online Artist Directory: You must be a member of the Southern Gulf Islands Arts Council (membership costs just $20/year and you can join online here) and practise your art in one of the island communities of Galiano, Mayne, Pender or Saturna.
OPTION A: Do it yourself (please read carefully)
You must have at least one photograph ready to upload to your profile.
Go to the Artist Directory webpage and click on the green +Add button. A window will pop up, and at the top there's line that says "Don't have an account? It's quick and easy to sign up". Click on the "sign up" link and proceed. You will create your own password (we do not supply passwords in advance).
You will not be required to share your address unless you wish to but you will be required to select your island.
All new listings will be approved before becoming active so we thank you in advance for your patience. Once approved you will be able to edit your listing as often as you please.
OPTION B: Have us do it for you if you've tried and failed If you're stumped by the technology, we can do the initial setup for your listing - but ONLY if you're unable to manage the technology. You will need to send us an email that includes the information and photos you'd like to have in your listing. Once we create it, we will supply you with a password so you can update it as often as you like or we can update it occasionally at your request.